- Combined self generating CDI ignition + alternator output for lighting/battery charging.
- System is 12v only with a regulator supplying controlled 12v AC for lighting + 12v DC for battery charging if required.
- Replaces original Lucas/Wipac alternator and rotor. Points, distributor and battery are not required.
- Keyless rotor fitting onto crankshaft. This uses a taper collet to lock the rotor key securely onto the crank. Advantages over a woodruff key and keyway are infinite positioning of the rotor for ignition timing. Can be used on a worn crank or damaged keyway.
- Ignition timing can be easily setup at TDC (Top Dead Centre) using the engraved timing marks on the flywheel rotor. Set piston to TDC. Rotate flywheel (not the crankshaft) so that the full advance i.e 36degrees aligns with the 'red' punched mark on the stator. Push flywheel firmly to lock it onto crankshaft. Tighten the retaining nut.
- Manufactured in the UK.
Triumph: 3TA, 5TA, Unit 650 BSA A65